Annual AGM December 1, 2021

The Annual AGM of the Association will be held on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, beginning at 10:00 am.  The meeting will be held using the Zoom format.  Agendas and fundraising decisions will be made at the October 19th Board of Directors meeting.  Please watch this site, and your mailbox for more information.

The 1st 3 year term for board of directors Kelly Schneider and Des Plewman expire this year.  They would be eligible for a further 3 year term, if elected at the AGM.  All full members of the SAA are eligible for positions on the board, and are encouraged and invited to allow their nomination at the AGM.  Please contact any board member, or the SAA office for more information.  

About saskauctioneers_4ocnjy

The Saskatchewan Auctioneers Association was established in February 1974 to provide a common forum in which to promote the services and position of the Saskatchewan auctioneering community.

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